Green Commerce Ltd T/A The Log Man Tel: 07921317630 Email:

Logs and Firewood

Standard Dumpy Bag of Logs

Standard dumpy bag of hardwood logs.
8″ Logs Hardwood – £130.00
10″ Logs Hardwood – £120.00
10″ Logs Larch Softwood – £90

Small Nets of Logs

Small nets (approx 12 logs) £8

Kindling Sticks

Kindling sticks £7

We sell hardwood and softwood logs.


Our hardwood is a mix of Sycamore, Ash, Silver Birch, Beech and Oak, kiln dried for a minimum of 7 days. As well as being a renewable source, hardwood has twice the calorific value of softwood. Kiln dried logs can give up to twice the heat output of freshly felled timber and burning kiln dried logs avoids the build up of tar in chimneys or flues.


We sell Larch softwood in 10″ lengths.


Standard logs are 10 “ x 3-4” diameter.

Open Fires & Log Burning Stoves

All logs are suitable for open fires and log burning stoves. Check your manufacturers instructions for stoves and log burners.

The Log Man Delivers Sacks of Logs

Standard dumpy bag of soft wood logs £90.00

We offer a free local delivery. A charge will be made for delivery outside the area (to be agreed prior to delivery). A stacking service is available on request at a charge of £15 per dumpy bag.

We also accept trade enquiries.

Woodchip and Sawdust for Gardens, Horses and Other Animal Bedding

We sell woodchip and sawdust suitable for a variety of uses around the garden or for horse owners and small animal keepers.

The Log Man Darlington Green Commerce

Dumpy bag of Woodchip


The Log Man Darlington Green Commerce

Dumpy bag of Sawdust


Bring your own bag and collect from the yard. 

Please phone us on 07921317630 to arrange collection.